Here i come
Sigh..n yeah i suppose..
im back in kuch again for studyin...
The only thing which i miss is all my frens here ..
But i miss my frens in miri too like wad we did last nite..
we went out "yam cha" [cantonese: a bunch of people gather around n chit chat at some cafe, etc]
we talk about the time when we're still in high school n stuffs
It's so funny..
My heart feel heavy probably becuz my fren is goin to Perth for his study soon too..
we r not like best buddy of stuff but.. to think that i hardly seem him.. probably only one period of the year is hard...
hopefully he'll be coming back next year la..
since i heard his dad didn't booked the ticket for next year..
so i doubt he might not b comin bak?..
he's a good fren but sometimes i juz feels like wanna stab him haha
juz kiddin...
so now im here in kuching now.n we juz had our school launchin like yesterday?..haha..
saw a "pontianak"..she is soo damn funny man..wearin white kebaya with long blonde hair n hideous make up..apuu.. scary to the max, you guys out there should c her. My class gonna start soon too.. hopefully this sem is a different sem for me as in i finish all my work n hav a good result in the end as i din hav a good gred this sem..sigh..
sorry for the messy-ness of this post..
it was suppose to b,duh~ haha..
take care Mr Frankie Chai n frens in miri..
Here i come frens in kuch..Roza,van..eric-dom-dex-angel... hahahaha