My BirthDay BasH.. Tis is my long-wait birthday celebration..with my frens...but unfortunately some can't attend my party due to transportation problem...anyway..i'm havin fun tat nite...we chit chat loudly until the ppl around us keep glarin at us...o rather to pretty fren,Jenny,who wore block n white tat nite with the big 'pom pom' hair...hiak! hiak! hiak!...after that we when to our public garden/park which we call "Taman Awam" take pic..erm i did not post all of the pic in here tat we toke tat day but if u're free u can go my friendster c..juz some i guess...those tat doesn't make me feel embarass,hehehe..tat's all i guess..erm..wanna noe wad present the gave me? up got 3present..erm try to guess wad they gave me by postin in ok?gals n boys who viewed my friendster acc is: